Wager’s 1200 Odor Control Roof Vent is designed for rooftop ventilation as a means to equalize the pressure required to keep steady flows of wastewater in toilets and sinks. Odor may become a problem when the resulting H2S gas from a septic system flows to ground levels by means of wind currents or temperature inversions.
Our 1200 model is molded from UV resistant reinforced nylon for protection from harsh environments. A slip-on sleeve allows for easy installation. Vent holes inside the unit provide a 1:1 open area of airflow. Cover vent holes are designed to restrict insects from nesting in the unit.
Each unit contains a canister with 5 lbs. of our odor scrubbing media. A groove lock top makes canister replacement quick and easy. Media and canisters are all non-toxic and landfill disposable..

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